JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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Text File
898 lines
<< intro-1-R >> ****************************************
Welcome to . . .
Compiled And Edited By
Bill McGinnis
P. O. Box 2543
Alexandria, VA 22301
U. S. A.
(Version 3.0, Feb., 1993)
This Document Is In The Public Domain
<* goto intro-2-R *>
<< intro-2-R >> ******************************************
Purpose of This Course . . .
The purpose of this short course is to provide a working
knowledge of the twenty-one greatest ideas ever developed for
getting along with people.
By the time you finish this course, you will be able to
recognize each of these ideas when you see it, and provide missing
words, as needed, to complete each idea.
<* goto intro-2A-R *>
<< intro-2A-R >> *************************************
Source of These Ideas . . .
I did not create any of these ideas. I merely collected them
and assembled them as a unit.
These ideas are all public property, belonging to no one
person or group. They are free for everyone to use.
I hope they are helpful to you!
<* goto intro-3-Q *>
<< intro-3-Q >>******************************************
Q: Do you want to continue at this time (y/n)?
(Please answer y or n.)
A: ?
<* if answer is y then goto preliminary-1-1-R*>
<* if answer is n then go to exit-1-R *>
<* goto intro-3-Q *>
<< exit-1-R >> *******************************************
Thank you for looking into this program.
For latest catalog, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Please address all correspondence to . . .
Bill McGinnis Software
P. O. Box 2543
Alexandria, VA 22301
U. S. A.
<*quit *>
<< preliminary-1-1-R >> ***********************************
Overview . . .
The first three ideas are the heart of this course.
Ideas number one and two get you into the proper
emotional attitude for good human relations.
Idea number three is a general rule for dealing with
almost any person in almost any situation.
If you understand and apply these three most important ideas,
you will never go far wrong with other people.
The other eighteen ideas are specific applications of
idea number three.
<* goto idea-1-1-R *>
<< idea-1-1-R >>*****************************************
This is idea number one . . .
1. Be as interested in the other person's happiness and
well-being as you are in your own.
("Love thy neighbor as thy self.")
<* goto idea-1-2-Q *>
<< idea-1-2-Q >> ********************************
Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
1. Be as __________ in the other person's happiness and well-
being as you are in your own.
A: interested
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
2. Be as interested in the other person's __________ and well-
being as you are in your own.
A: happiness
<* Q-link *>
<< idea-1-3-Q >> ******************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
3. Be as interested in the other person's happiness and well-
being as you are in your _______.
A: own
<* if score is less than 100 then goto idea-1-5-Q *>
<* go to idea-1-4-R *>
<< idea-1-4-R >> ************************************
Good! You got all three questions right.
<* goto idea-1-6-R *>
<< idea-1-6-R >> **************************************
If you are truly interested in the other person, your posi-
tive feelings toward him will shine through everything you say
and do, and he will respond positively to you.
Your good attitude toward him is the starting point
for a successful relationship.
Remember, "What goes around, comes around." Or even better,
"As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
If you radiate a good attitude toward the other person, he
will tend to respond the same way toward you.
<* goto idea-2-1-R *>
<<idea-2-bridge-R>> *********************************
But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we still don't like
the other person, or we still feel anger or resentment.
What can we do in cases like this ?
<* goto idea-2-bridge-1-R *>
<< idea-2-bridge-1-R >> *********************************
Fortunately, most of our actions are under the direct control
of our conscious will.
And here is an amazing fact: ATTITUDE FOLLOWS ACTION.
If you perform a helpful act for someone, you will
automatically improve your attitude toward that person.
So, if you want to get a good attitude toward someone, act in
a good way toward him. Your attitude will follow your actions.
<* goto idea-2-bridge-2-R *>
<< idea-2-bridge-2-R >> **********************************
This leads us directly to idea number three, which is a gen-
eral rule for our actions toward other people . . .
<* goto idea-3-1-R *>
<< idea-1-5-Q >> ************************************
Sorry. You did not provide all the correct missing words to
complete the idea.
Do you want to go back, or not (y/n)?
A: ?
<* if answer is y then goto idea-1-1-R *>
<* if answer is n then goto idea-1-6-R *>
<* goto idea-1-5-Q *>
<< idea-2-1-R >> **************************************
This is idea number two . . .
2. Forgive the other person.
<* goto idea-2-2-Q *>
<< idea-2-2-Q >> ****************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank to complete idea number two . . .
2. _________ the other person.
A: Forgive
<* if score is less than 100 then goto idea-2-2A-Q *>
<* goto idea-2-3-R *>
<< idea-2-4-R >> *******************************
The most troublesome harmful emotion is the emotion of anger.
You can neutralize anger by making a direct conscious decision to
forgive the other person for whatever he may have done to cause
you to feel anger toward him.
"As you forgive, so you will be forgiven."
<* goto idea-2-bridge-R *>
<< idea-3-1-R >> ****************************************
This is idea number three . . .
3. Treat the other person the way you would like to be
("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.")
<* goto idea-3-2-Q *>
<< idea-3-2-Q >> ****************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
3. Treat the other person the _______ you would like to be
A: way
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
3. Treat the other person the way you would ______ to be
A: like
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
3. Treat the other person the way you would like to be
A: treated
<* if score is less than 100 then goto idea-3-2A-Q*>
<* goto idea-3-3-R *>
<< idea-3-4-R >> ********************************************
"Treat the other person the way you would like to be treated."
("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.")
This is the most useful idea in human relations. You can
apply this idea to almost any situation, and you will not be far
wrong. This is the "Golden Rule," our most reliable guideline
for behavior with other people.
The remaining ideas in this course are specific applications
of The Golden Rule to different kinds of situations.
<* goto idea-4-1-R *>
<< idea-4-1-R >> ******************************************
This is idea number four . . .
4. Smile and be friendly.
<* goto idea-4-2-Q *>
<< idea-4-2-Q >> ***********************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
4. ________ and be friendly.
A: Smile
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
4. Smile and be _______.
A: friendly
<* goto idea-4-3-R *>
<< idea-4-3-R >> *****************************************
You like it when people smile at you and behave in a
friendly way. So do the same to them.
<* goto idea-5-1-R *>
<< idea-5-1-R >> **************************************
This is idea number five . . .
5. Be courteous.
<* goto idea-5-2-Q *>
<< idea-5-2-Q >> **********************************
Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
5. Be ________.
A: courteous
<* goto idea-5-3-R *>
<< idea-5-3-R >> **************************************
You like it when people are courteous to you. And
you dislike it when people are discourteous or rude to
you. So be courteous in all of your dealings with others.
<* goto idea-6-1-R *>
<< idea-6-1-R >> ***************************************
This is idea number six . . .
6. Be truthful, without giving offense.
<* goto idea-6-2-Q *>
<< idea-6-2-Q >> *************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
6. Be ________, without giving offense.
A: truthful
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
6. Be truthful, without giving ________.
A: offense
<* goto idea-6-3-R *>
<< idea-6-3-R >> *******************************
You want people to tell you the truth when you ask
them a question; and you don't like to be offended.
So do the same to others: tell the truth, but try to be
tactful so as not to offend them or arouse their anger toward
<* goto idea-7-1-R *>
<< idea-7-1-R >> ***********************************
This is idea number seven . . .
7. Remember the other person's name, and use it
<* goto idea-7-2-Q *>
<< idea-7-2-Q >> ****************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
7. ________ the other person's name, and use it frequently.
A: Remember
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
7. Remember the other person's _______, and use it
A: name
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
7. Remember the other person's name, and use it ________.
A: frequently
<* goto idea-7-3-R *>
<< idea-7-3-R >> ********************************
You like it when other people remember and use your
name. So do the same to them.
<* goto idea-8-1-R *>
<<idea-8-1-R>> **********************************
This is idea number eight . . .
8. Don't argue.
<* goto idea-8-2-Q *>
<< idea-8-2-Q >> ***************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
8. Don't ________.
A: argue
<* goto idea-8-3-R *>
<< idea-8-3-R >> *************************************
Arguments are very negative. They poison good human rela-
tions. You don't like it when someone argues with you.
So don't argue with them. And if you see an argument coming,
take the appropriate steps to neutralize the argument before it
causes too much damage.
<* goto idea-9-1-R *>
<< idea-9-1-R >> **************************************
This is idea number nine . . .
9. Find areas of agreement.
<* goto idea-9-2-Q *>
<< idea-9-2-Q >> *****************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
9. _______ areas of agreement.
A: Find
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
9. Find ______ of agreement.
A: areas
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
9. Find areas of ______.
A: agreement
<* goto idea-9-3-R *>
<< idea-9-3-R >> ********************************
Relationships are much better when both people focus on their
areas of agreement rather than their areas of disagreement.
Most people agree on more things than they disagree on. So
if you focus on your areas of agreement with the other person,
your areas of disagreement will seem smaller and less important.
<* goto idea-10-1-R *>
<< idea-10-1-R >> *************************************
This is idea number ten . . .
10. Don't criticize.
<* goto idea-10-2-Q *>
<< idea-10-2-Q >> ************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
10. Don't _________.
A: criticize
<* goto idea-10-3-R *>
<< idea-10-3-R >> ***********************************
Criticism builds hostility and bad attitudes. Criticism is
poison to good human relations.
You don't like to be criticized; so don't criticize
other people. They don't like it, either. And you won't help
accomplish anything good by criticizing.
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
<* goto idea-11-1-R *>
<< idea-11-1-R >> ***********************************
This is idea number eleven . . .
11. Show honest appreciation.
<* goto idea-11-2-Q *>
<< idea-11-2-Q >> ************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
11. Show ________ appreciation.
A: honest
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
11. Show honest _________.
A: appreciation
<* goto idea-11-3-R *>
<< idea-11-3-R >> *************************************
You like it when other people take the time and
interest to recognize and appreciate the good things you do. So
do the same for them. Everyone does some things worthy of
appreciation. Find them, and recognize them in the other person.
<* goto idea-12-1-R *>
<< idea-12-1-R >> ************************************
This is idea number twelve . . .
12. Try the other person's point of view.
<* goto idea-12-2-Q *>
<< idea-12-2-Q >> *************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
12. _______ the other person's point of view.
A: Try
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
12. Try the _______ person's point of view.
A: other
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
12. Try the other person's point of ______.
A: view
<* goto idea-12-3-R *>
<< idea-12-3-R >> ******************************
You like it when the other person understands your point of
view and can see problems the way you see them. So do the same
for him. Try looking at the situation from the other person's
point of view.
<* goto idea-13-1-R *>
<< idea-13-1-R >> **********************************
This is idea number thirteen . . .
13. Give full attention to the other person when he
is talking.
<* goto idea-13-2-Q *>
<< idea-13-2-Q >> ****************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
13. Give full ____________ to the other person when he is
A: attention
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
13. Give full attention to the other person when he is ____.
A: talking
<* goto idea-13-3-R *>
<< idea-13-3-R >>*******************************
You like it when people pay attention to you when you are
talking. So do the same for them.
<* goto idea-14-1-R *>
<< idea-14-1-R >> *********************************
This is idea number fourteen . . .
14. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
<* goto idea-14-2-Q *>
<< idea-14-2-Q >> ********************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
14. Talk in terms of the other person's _________ .
A: interests
<* goto idea-14-3-R *>
<< idea-14-3-R >> **********************************
You like to have other people talk with you about
your interests. So do the same for them. Find out what things
they are interested in, and steer the conversation toward these
<* goto idea-15-1-R *>
<< idea-15-1-R >> **********************************
This is idea number fifteen . . .
15. Admit you may be wrong.
<* goto idea-15-2-Q *>
<< idea-15-2-Q >> **********************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
15. _______ you may be wrong.
A: Admit
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
15. Admit you may be _______.
A: wrong
<* goto idea-15-3-R *>
<< idea-15-3-R >> ***********************************
This idea is so powerful and so useful, it is almost like
magic! Here's what to say, whenever there is a disagreement as
to a matter of fact: "Now, I may be wrong about this. I
frequently am wrong about things. But this is the way it appears
to me:" (And then state your beliefs.)
By admitting you may be wrong, and by admitting that you
frequently are wrong (You are, you know. We all are.), you
almost force the other person to admit that he, too, may be
wrong! Then, with egos out of the way, you can both search
objectively for the truth!
And if you really are wrong this time, it will be much less
embarrassing for you than if you had been stubbornly insisting
that you were totally right!
<* goto idea-16-1-R *>
<< idea-16-1-R >> ***********************************
This is idea number sixteen . . .
16. Let the other person do most of the talking.
<* goto idea-16-2-Q *>
<< idea-16-2-Q >> ***********************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
16. ______ the other person do most of the talking.
A: Let
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
16. Let the other person do ______ of the talking.
A: most
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
16. Let the other person do most of the _________.
A: talking
<* goto idea-16-3-R *>
<< idea-16-3-R >> *********************************
You like it when people let you do most of the
talking. So do the same for them. It won't hurt you, and you
might learn something.
<* goto idea-17-1-R *>
<< idea-17-1-R >> **********************************
This is idea number seventeen . . .
17. Let the other person talk about himself.
<* goto idea-17-2-Q *>
<< idea-17-2-Q >> ******************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
17. Let the other person talk about _________.
A: himself
<* goto idea-17-3-R *>
<< idea-17-3-R >> *************************************
You like to talk about yourself, don't you? We all like to talk
about ourselves! But restrain the urge, and let the other person
talk about himself, instead.
<* goto idea-18-1-R *>
<< idea-18-1-R >> *********************************
This is idea number eighteen . . .
18. Let the other person take some credit.
<* goto idea-18-2-Q *>
<< idea-18-2-Q >> *********************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
18. Let the other person _________ some credit.
A: take
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
18. Let the other person take some ________.
A: credit
<* goto idea-18-3-R *>
<< idea-18-3-R >> *******************************
If something has worked out well, don't grab all the credit
for yourself, even if you think you deserve it all. Spread the
credit around, share it with the other people involved.
<* goto idea-19-1-R *>
<< idea-19-1-R >> *********************************
This is idea number nineteen . . .
19. Let the other person save face.
<* goto idea-19-2-Q *>
<< idea-19-2-Q >> ************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
19. Let the other person _______ face.
A: save
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
19. Let the other person save _________.
A: face
<* goto idea-19-3-R *>
<< idea-19-3-R >> *******************************
The expression "saving face" means to maintain dignity, or not
to look like an idiot or a worthless person. Sometimes people do
things which make them look like an idiot or a worthless person.
If you can rescue the other person in such a situation, and help
him maintain his dignity, he will be very appreciative.
And maybe someone will do the same for you sometime, when you
need it most! "As you do, so shall it be done unto you."
<* goto idea-20-1-R *>
<< idea-20-1-R >> *********************************
This is idea number twenty . . .
20. Hold the other person, and yourself, to high and
noble standards.
<* goto idea-20-2-Q *>
<< idea-20-2-Q >> ************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
20. _______ the other person, and yourself, to high and noble
A: Hold
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
20. Hold the other person, and _________, to high and noble
A: yourself
<<idea-20-2A-Q >> **************************************
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
20. Hold the other person, and yourself, to _____ and noble
A: high
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
20. Hold the other person, and yourself, to high and noble
A: standards
<* goto idea-20-3-R *>
<< idea-20-3-R >> *****************************
People tend to live up to the expectations others have of
them. If you expect a lot from someone, he tends to give you what
you expect. Likewise, if you expect little from someone, that is
what you tend to get.
So act honestly, and expect honesty from the other person;
act morally, and expect morality from the other person; act
fairly, and expect fairness from the other person.
<* goto idea-21-1-R *>
<<idea-21-1-R >>****************************************
This is idea number twenty-one . . .
21. Go the extra mile.
<* goto idea-21-2-Q *>
Q: Please fill in the blank word to complete the idea . . .
21. Go the ________ mile.
A: extra
<* goto idea-21-3-R *>
<<idea-21-3-R >>***************************************
You are pleasantly surprised when other people do more for you
than you had asked, or more than you expect. So do the same for
them: "Go the extra mile."
<* goto end-1-R *>
<< end-1-R >> **************************************
Very good, so far!
You have now received your introduction to the twenty-one greatest
ideas in human relations.
Next, we have a test to review your knowledge of the material
presented. In order to complete the course, you need to answer
all twenty-one questions correctly. You may take the test as many
times as you need to, until you get all the answers right.
<* goto end-2-Q *>
<< end-2-Q >> ****************************************
Q: In each of the following twenty-one statements, please fill in
the blank word to complete the idea.
1. Be as interested in the other person's ________ and well-being
as you are in your own.
A: happiness
2. __________ the other person.
A: Forgive
3. Treat the other person the way ____ would like to be
A: you
4. Smile and be _______.
A: friendly
<* Q-link *>
<<end-2A-Q >> **********************************
5. ____ courteous.
A: Be
6. Be ________, without giving offense.
A: truthful
7. Remember the other person's ______ , and use it frequently.
A: name
8. ______ argue.
A: Don't
9. Find areas of ______.
A: agreement
10. ______ criticize.
A: Don't
<* Q-link *>
11. Show _______ appreciation.
A: honest
12. Try the other person's point of ______.
A: view
13. Give full attention to the other person when he is _________.
A: talking
14. Talk in terms of the other person's _________.
A: interests
15. Admit you may be ______.
A: wrong
16. Let the other person do ______ of the talking.
A: most
<* Q-link *>
<<end-2C-Q>> ****************************
17. Let the other person talk about _________.
A: himself
18. Let the other person take some _______.
A: credit
19. Let the other person save ______.
A: face
20. Hold the other person, and ________, to high and noble
A: yourself
21. Go the ________ mile.
A: extra
<* if score is less than 100 then goto end-3-Q *>
<* goto end-4-R *>
<< end-4-R >> ****************************************
Good job!
You have successfully completed the course and answered all the
test questions correctly!
Congratulations, and happy Human Relations!
<* goto end-6-R *>
<< end-6-R >> **********************************
Thank you for using Bill McGinnis Software.
If you would like a catalog of our products, please send a
self-addressed stamped envelope.
Address all correspondence to:
Bill McGinnis Software
P. O. Box 2543
Alexandria, VA 22301
U. S. A.
<* quit *>
<< end-3-Q >> ********************************
Sorry. You did not answer all the questions correctly.
Do you want to go back and try again (y/n)?
A: ?
<* if answer is y then goto end-2-Q *>
<* if answer is n then goto end-5-R *>
<* goto end-3-Q *>
<< end-5-R >> *********************************************
Although you did not get all the questions right, I hope you
gained some benefit from this course.
Maybe you will try it again in the future.
<* goto end-6-R *>
<< idea-2-3-R >> *************************************
Good! You got it right!
<* goto idea-2-4-R *>
<< idea-2-2A-Q >> ****************************************
Sorry. You missed it!? Do you want to go back, or not (y/n)?
A: ?
<* if answer is y then goto idea-2-1-R *>
<* if answer is n then goto idea-2-4-R *>
<< idea-3-3-R >> *******************************************
Good ! You got all the questions right !
<* goto idea-3-4-R *>
<< idea-3-2A-Q >> ****************************************
Sorry. You missed some. Do you want to go back, or not (y/n)?
A: ?
<* if answer is y then goto idea-3-1-R *>
<* if answer is n then goto idea-3-4-R *>